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Let’s face it: starting, and actually sticking to, a skincare routine is pretty hard. Personally, I’ve spent thousands of dollars on skincare products over the years and, while I may have had the very best of intentions, I always found some excuse to skip even the basic step of washing my makeup off. But come on! “I’m probably going to be too loud and wake up the family,"  or, um… you know, “all that water is going to just run down my arms and make a huge puddle all over...

Fellas, is there anything sexier than a happy woman? A woman whose smile radiates in such a way that everyone knows she’s being well taken care of? With a look of confidence, a gleam in the eye, and an enticing strut, you watch as heads turn to look at her, wondering how you got so lucky. She’s beaming and not even noticing how they all seem to notice her… because it’s you that has made it, so she has no need for validation from any other man. You’ve captured her...

Welcome to the 11th edition of "Meet Our Ingredients." This is where we showcase the ingredients we use in our products to keep you informed of what you are putting on your body, why it is so powerful, and how it works to give you amazing skin. Hawaiian Healing Skin Care prides itself on using only natural and organic ingredients in each of our products. We don't include any chemicals or synthetic elements – only items nature provides. We like to say nature knows what you need, so we are giving it to you in each amazing...

Healthy skin is a product of not only what products you use, but also your overall health. Eating right, exercising regularly, staying hydrated, and avoiding chemicals that can irritate your skin are all truly critical to your skin's health.  Simple enough, but honestly, who has time? Well, we are going to break it down into 7 simple tips that will help you achieve naturally healthy skin. All are quick and easy to work into your daily routine.  By making just a few simple changes, you may be surprised just how...