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5-Minutes is All You Need...Really.

Let’s face it: starting, and actually sticking to, a skincare routine is pretty hard. Personally, I’ve spent thousands of dollars on skincare products over the years and, while I may have had the very best of intentions, I always found some excuse to skip even the basic step of washing my makeup off. But come on! “I’m probably going to be too loud and wake up the family,"  or, um… you know, “all that water is going to just run down my arms and make a huge puddle all over the countertop, and... no! Nuh-uh! No way! I’m not ready to deal with all of that.” And we can’t forget the classic “I’m so tired! I’ve only had powder on my face today and some mascara... that’s not too bad. I’ll just wash it in the morning,” excuses. You know what I’m talking about.

So why is it so hard to stick to a routine? It takes just a few minutes, twice a day, to spend some ‘me time’ giving our skin the attention it deserves. 10 minutes a day (out of the 1,440 we have in a full 24 hours) is all it takes? That’s it?? I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling pretty lazy right about now...

While using Hawaiian Healing Skin Care products, I’ve been able to learn so much more about natural skin care, the ingredients that work in unison to provide the healthiest, most moisturized, baby-soft look and feel, and I’ve come to one conclusion: there’s just too much information! Soaps vs. cleansers, astringents, toners, exfoliants, serums, oils, freshening spray, lotions vs. creams, etc. It really is a LOT of information.  

Because of this, we’ve decided to put together a 5-minute, all-you-really-need, step-by-step routine to make sure you’re getting the best results in the shortest amount of time.

Step 1:  Clean your face.  

Using a mild cleanser is imperative to ridding your skin from impurities, free-radicals, dead skin cells, excess sebum, and toxins from outside pollutants (and even cigarette smoke). Whether it’s morning or night, your face needs to be washed. Hawaiian Healing Skin Care’s Plumeria (alo kopa holoi) Face Wash is the perfect cleanser to start your routine or to use during the day if you’re feeling extra oily.

Start by using a warm, wet washcloth to dampen your skin and allow the heat to open your pores. Do not make it too hot; hot temperatures can cause skin inflammation and irritation. Pump the cleanser into your hands, and as you smell the fresh, natural plumeria fragrance, enjoy cleansing the entire face and neck. Focus on any problem areas, but don’t overdo it.

Using your washcloth, start rinsing your face and scrub away (again, lightly) any excess dead skin cells. Once it’s completely rinsed, move right along to your next step.

Total Time: 1 minute, 30 seconds.

Step 2: Use a toner.

This one had me stumped. I’ve bought some throughout the years, but I never really knew what it was for. I even thought the astringents I was buying were toners, not chemical-laced, alcohol-filled enemies of the skin. Turns out, the purpose of a toner is to CALM the skin, remove any excess residue left behind by cleansing, and help close and tighten your pores (and these are only a few of the benefits to using a toner). Astringents can be more brutal on the skin, as they typically have additional ingredients that are known to dry your body’s barrier. 

Hawaiian Healing’s Garden (hou alo) Face Toner gives your skin the benefits of nature’s finest ingredients, with a light floral fragrance, to tighten and improve your skin’s overall health.

Start by using a cotton ball or cotton pad and gently wipe the toner from side to side on your face. You’ll instantly feel the cooling sensation and a slight tightness as the pores start to close.

Total time: 1 minute, maybe less.

Step 3 (and 4): Don’t forget your Oils and Serums. 

I’ve listed both the oil and serum for one reason: you can easily use the Under Eye Serum in the morning and the Nourishing Night Oil at night. You do not need to use both twice a day.

However, Tribe Beauty Bobbi W. gave us this helpful tip: “I put a dropper’s amount of both the night oil and serum together in the palm of my hand and use them both at night before I apply my moisturizer.”

((I personally love this, because not only do I use the serum for it’s intended purpose, but I recently discovered that it can help heal acne. I was stoked to learn that this product is multi-purpose!))

After using your toner, just apply the oil and/or serum directly onto your face (or fingertips) with the provided dropper and use light, circular motions to spread that natural goodness all around. A little goes a LONG way, so don’t go all willy-nilly and waste it! Just use enough to provide your face with a thin layer. This will allow it to absorb quickly so you can move straight to your final step.

Total Time: Approximately 1 minute, maybe less.

Step 5: Moisturize! 

Using a high-quality facial moisturizer is your last line of defense against the elements. Not only does it lock in all of the super-ingredients that you’ve applied to your skin thus far, it provides a velvety softness that you feel instantly. The best part? The natural, nutty scent doesn’t linger as it absorbs into the skin rapidly; and you’re left with a hydrated, moisturized, radiant, glowing face—all with no artificial fragrances, preservatives, fillers, or any of that yucky junk that we are striving so desperately to avoid in our new health-conscious lives.

I allotted approximately 30 seconds for the night oil/serum to absorb a tad before applying the moisturizer. Using the bamboo spatula that comes with the Pure Revitalizing Cream (btw, how cute is that?!), apply a few dollops onto your forehead, cheeks, chin, and neck/décolleté. Then, gently massage the luxurious cream into your skin. You will feel it begin to absorb immediately. Anything left on your fingers can be rubbed into your hands or elbows.

Total Time: 1 minute (+ 30 seconds for prior oil/serum absorption).

See? Five minutes, twice a day, is all that you need to have healthy, nourished, and happy skin.




Hawaiian Healing Skin Care Products are FILLED with the finest natural and organic ingredients. Our glass and bamboo packaging help to support sustainability and are eco-friendly. By having some of the most luxurious ingredients sourced directly from the islands of Hawai’i, and all over the globe, Hawaiian Healing Skin Care is able to provide your skin with the best all-natural and organic skincare products available.


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