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Welcome to the 17th edition of"Meet Our Ingredients." Each month we will showcase the ingredients we use in our products to keep you informed of what you are putting on your body, why it is so powerful, and how it works to give you amazing skin.  Hawaiian Healing Skin Care prides itself on using only natural and organic ingredients in each of our products. We don't include any chemicals or synthetic elements – only items nature provides. We like to say nature knows what you need, so we are giving it...

Homeopathy: Ever heard of it? If so, you are probably under the misconception that it’s nothing more than a placebo-like replacement for medicines prescribed by physicians. Or, perhaps you thought that it’s just some hokey marketing ploy to cater to those opposed to unnatural chemicals being put into their bodies. However, a recurrent observation in structured interviews is that patients are attracted to homeopathy because they are dissatisfied with one or several aspects of conventional medicine. It is evident that the homeopathic reviews cater to needs, which are not met...

   1. Properly wash your face.   No, just using a makeup wipe will not do. We’re talking about a face wash and water. AND, using a toner is really important to really get all that excess dirt, dead skin, makeup, oils, and gunk out of your pores. Use a silicone scrubby 2-3 times a week to really get in there, too.   2. Stay hydrated!   Water, water, and more water. You should be drinking approximately a gallon of water a day for ALL the benefits of hydration. So...

First and foremost: we all know the Nourishing Night Oil was made to be a face oil, to help stimulate cellular growth, and to moisturize and nourish your skin while locking in all those wonderful key nutrients your face craves. Many people also love to use the NNO on their lips when they’re dried or cracked. It helps to soothe and moisturize your lips to bring them back to their plump, soft, kissable selves. It’s amazing as a cuticle oil! It helps to soften cuticles, while strengthening nails, and encourages...

Let’s face it: starting, and actually sticking to, a skincare routine is pretty hard. Personally, I’ve spent thousands of dollars on skincare products over the years and, while I may have had the very best of intentions, I always found some excuse to skip even the basic step of washing my makeup off. But come on! “I’m probably going to be too loud and wake up the family”, or, um… you know, “all that water is going to just run down my arms and make a huge puddle all over...

5 Skin Care Habits to Break Immediately Skincare is one of the things so many of us forget about or neglect because it can seem more like a chore than a soothing ritual to look forward to. We all fall into some bad habits sometimes, and that’s perfectly normal! The trick of it is, to recognize those bad habits that we want to break and work slow daily changes to improve them! Here’s a quick list below of the top 5 bad skincare habits that need to be broken immediately...