Happy Earth Day from your Hawaiian Healing 'Ohana! We love our planet and all the creatures that inhabit it. We are so proud to present the theme for this Earth Day: Restore Our Planet.Restoring our planet sounds like an enormous and daunting feat! It is no secret that to bring our gorgeous planet back to its full glory, it will take a lot of time and effort on everyone's part to make it happen. Fortunately, even a few small changes can make an immense difference!Over the years, Hawaiian Healing has...
For most of us around the globe, June 11th is just another typical Tuesday. But to Hawaiian’s, this day is a state holiday - a joyous day full of festivals, culture, traditions, and honoring Kamehameha the Great (aka Kamehameha the First, Kamehameha I, and King Kamehameha). Celebrations for Honor Throughout the day, patrons participate in several activities throughout the Islands of Hawai’i, oftentimes with multiple chances to catch a ho’olaul eʻa. A Hoʻolauleʻa is a Hawaiian celebration or festival, which may consist of authentic hula dancing and music, foods, vendors...
World Turtle Day is to bring recognition to the American Tortoise Rescue organization. People can donate money towards this nonprofit company to help the many turtles who need our help. You can also volunteer for other organizations that promote turtle conservation and protection. World Turtle Day started in 1990, so the extinction of these beautiful sea creatures could be brought to light.
Almost 70% of the turtles that are alive today are on the endangered species list, including seven species of sea turtles(whichinclude the Hawksbill,
As you just previously read in our Skincare Smart Start blog, there is a major disconnect between what we believe to be natural or organic vs what is actually good for your skin (or, even worse, what is true vs what the marketing companies want us to think). Now that we've established what to look for, let's focus on how to get that youthful, glowing, radiant skin we're all after. Luckily, a natural skincare regimen does not have to be complicated. Here are the basics: Step One: Cleanse and Exfoliate ...
Hawaiian Healing's Skin Care Smart Start Natural and organic skincare has experienced an astounding surge in popularity over a short amount of time. Yet, with the bombardment of products and information, it seems to have brought an overwhelming amount of confusion- and a swarm of unanswered questions. Is organic best? Is all-natural simply a buzzword? And, can ingredients found in nature really pack the same punch as those formulated in labs in order to provide the results you want? In this Smart Start for A Natural Skincare Regimen, you’ll quickly...